Fittest, hardest,
strongest, fastest...... cleverest?
Competition is essential to the
process of 'divide and rule'- cooperation is a sharing ideology, and
does not aid the elevation and domination of the privileged
few over the rest
use fear of violence, poverty - the law & penal system,
religion, sexism and
racism, competition, (uncritical) 'education' , an academic elite
obedience and subservience to control populations and prevent dissent.
historic struggle against oppressive, exploitative, aggressive
domination of human societies by the privileged few continues today
against selfish, global capitalism and their coercive methods.
campaigns to counter these weapons are Socialism,
Cooperativism, Feminism,
Anti-Racism, Secularism and Peace Activism. The greatest threat would
be democratic socialism.
is one of the most pernicious and wasteful effects of male elitism and Feminism one of the most
important campaigns.
perspectives and priorities might have radically changed the
direction of societies all over the world had they not been
systematically excluded from education, science, health and welfare,
public debate and the decision-making institutions.

photos always look so much better with a woman in the front just to
show that we do not discriminate against them"

"But girls can take part in
American sport and join the army today. Is this the way to go?
women &
peace activism
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